Thyroid Disorders & Subclinical Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland and its endocrine hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and calcitonin) are the main regulators of growth, cellular metabolism, and bone formation. Perhaps no other gland is so
delicately poised at the interface of the internal and external environments. Not only is the thyroid vulnerable to disease states, diet, and stress factors, but it is also very sensitive to environmental toxins.

Subclinical hypothyroidism affects an estimated 5% of the general population and 15% of older women by conventional measures. Since every metabolically active cell depends upon thyroid hormone for normal function, the pattern of thyroid deficiency or excess can potentially manifest through any organ system.

Hypothyroid – Where thyroid under-function is concerned, common symptoms include hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, brittle nails, and weight gain.

Hyperthyroid – Where over-function is concerned, rapid heart beat, sweats, jitteriness and anxiety, are among the more common complaints.

  • Thyroid diseases of under or over-function are commonly diagnosed by conventional thyroid blood tests. The TRH-stimulation test, available to Dr. Cooke, is a helpful adjunct in detecting otherwise difficult-to-diagnose cases of hypothyroidism. And as always, history and physical examination are the platform on which diagnosis is based. However, lab testing with skillful interpretation are critical in this setting.
  • If special studies such as thyroid sonogram and scanning are required, Dr. Cooke will make referral to an appropriate specialist.
  • Dr. Cooke also uses the TRH stimulation test when indicated to assess for subclinical hypothyroidism.

Dr. Cooke makes use of conventional medication for treatment. However, at times, some people may be better served through the use of Armour thyroid or a similar combined T3/T4 formula for treatment of hypothyroidism. Also, dietary changes, nutritional supplements, and energetic exercises may aid the patient.